VitaFer Zn Complex

Innovative, single-component fertilizer for emergency and preventive zinc supply. Zn (zinc) has been 100% chelated with an organic factor (heptagluconic acid), which significantly increases the absorption of the nutrient.

Density 1.21 kg/l 

pH 2.0 – 3.0 


Recommendations for use: 

-for preventive and emergency use in the event of zinc deficiency: corn, potatoes, cereals, vegetables and ornamental plants, orchards and berries

-to stimulate the development of the root system and increase the absorption of nutrients and water from the soil

-to improve the frost resistance of plants

-to increase resistance to abiotic and biotic stress conditions – in particular drought, frost or high UV radiation

-in order to increase the main yield and improve its technical and storage parameters

The role of zinc in crops: 

  • regulates the hormonal balance of plants, has a positive effect on the photosynthesis process, determines protein synthesis and carbohydrate binding.
  • it contributes to the development of the correct shape of plants and better color of leaves and fruits
  • increases plant resistance to fungal diseases and prolongs the “green leaf” effect
  • it improves the size and quality of the main crop and increases plant biomass
  • stimulates the uptake and increases the efficiency of nitrogen fertilization
  • it has a positive effect on increasing the frost resistance of winter crops

Zinc deficiency:

  • shortening and curling of leaves, in extreme conditions the leaves may die. Leaf chlorosis in the form of white-yellow spots on the ends of leaves or in the form of white-yellow stripes on leaves (cereals and corn) between the veins.
  • shortening and dying of side shoots in extreme conditions may lead to their death
  • dwarfing of plants, distortion of plants, shortening of internodes, waving of leaves (potato, tomato)
  • reducing the formation of flower buds and the number of grains in cobs and ears

Dosage and timing of application:

Fertigation : 0,25% solution in water (2,5L /1000L water)