VitaFer fertilizers are the only one in Europe containing „epibrassinolide” - a growth steroid of plant origin.
belongs to a group of substances, which are naturally present in plants in small quantities. Its main function is stimulation of biochemical processes. Its correct level has a deciding influence on a size and quality of yields.
EPIN’s positive impact:
- Increases the level of physiological resistance of plants,
- improves plant resistance to the effects of drought and low temperatures,
- reduces the absorption of heavy metals,
- increases the protein content of cereals,
- improves filling of corn cobs,
- inhibits sprouting of potato tubers during storage,
- improves quality and increases yield.
EPIN is responsible for:
- a level of resistance to unfavorable conditions,
- a correct plant development,
- a final quality and quantity of yields.
EPIN is environment friendly and non toxic for people and animals. Used in a process of fertilization, enhances in a grade percent Its effectiveness.