Protection begins in the soil

Effectively combats pests Microbiological, soil-applied fertilizer.

It increases the resistance of plants to biotic stresses caused, among others, by the feeding of pest larvae and grubs living in the root zone of cultivated plants (grubs, weevils, wireworms, mole crickets, adult Colorado potato beetles wintering in the soil, western flower thrips pupa). It supports the development of the root system of plants, increases the range and volume of roots. It promotes the formation of beneficial soil microflora. It restores biological balance in the soil.



– limits the feeding of pest larvae feeding in the root zone of cultivated plants: grubs, weevils, wireworms, mole crickets, colorado potato beetles wintering in the soil, cabbage rootworm and others by at least 30 to 54%

– fast action, the first effects of the preparation are visible after 24-48 hours from application – long-term use limits the pest population

– creates unfavourable conditions for pests to winter in the soil – prevents the phenomenon of pests becoming resistant to plant protection products

– reduces the pest population throughout the entire vegetation period, without the need to repeat treatments

– strengthens the natural tolerance of plants to the effects of pest feeding




Entomopathogenic fungi spores (Beauveria basiana, Metryzium anisophiae, Isaria Fumorosorus, Verticillium Lecani) with a concentration of 2×10*⁸ CFU


Seed dressing: 1kg/ 10l of water/ 1000 kg of seeds

Root dressing of seedlings/bulbs: 5g/1 l of water

Soil spraying before sowing/planting/and during the vegetation period: 2-3 kg/ha

Direct application to the root zone: 1-2 kg/ha

Fertigation: 2- 5kg/5000l of water

The preparation can be used in integrated production and organic production