Observing oilseed rape crops in the last growing season, it can be seen that verticillium wilt of oilseed rape was present in large numbers on numerous plantations of this plant. This is a disease that limits yields. The mycelium of the pathogen grows over the vascular bundles and makes it difficult to transport water and minerals from the soil. The increased share of oilseed rape in crop rotations, drought and simplified agricultural technology favor Vertcillium longisporum – the cause of verticillium wilt. Microsclerotia can survive in the soil for up to several years. Infection occurs through damaged root hairs with the participation of soil pests. It is worth using foliar fertilizers with copper complexed with heptagluconic acid for fungicide treatments in autumn. Such a mixture will significantly limit the growth of the pathogen. VitaFer Sp. z o.o. has two products in its portfolio that can be used in the fight against Verticillium wilt:
VITAFER Cu ® mineral fertilizer for emergency and preventive supply of copper complexed with heptagluconic acid. Increases plant resistance to fungal and bacterial diseases. Supports proper development of the root system.
Composition: 20.25% N + 6.75% Cu
Doses and application dates:
Winter oilseed rape: 1 treatment at a dose of 1.5 – 2l/ha in the 6-8 leaf phase. No later than three weeks before winter dormancy.
Winter cereals: 1 treatment at a dose of 1.5 – 2l/ha from the 4-leaf phase. No later than three weeks before winter dormancy.
Orchards and berry gardens: 1 treatment at a dose of 1 – 1.5l/ha after fruit harvest.
VitaExpert Booster ® Biostimulator with a mixture of amino acids, humic acids, copper complexed with heptagluconic acid and sulfur trioxide. Ideal product for fungicide mixtures: the content of amino acids and humic acids improves the properties of the working fluid and significantly increases the effectiveness of the fungicides and foliar fertilizers used. Copper in the form of organic chelate quickly supplies the nutrient to plants, eliminating any deficiencies of this ingredient.
Composition: 3% N + 3.75% Cu + 4.75% SO₃
Doses and application dates:
Winter oilseed rape: 1 treatment at a dose of 1 – 3l/ha in the 6-8 leaf phase. No later than three weeks before winter dormancy.
Winter cereals: 1 treatment at a dose of 1 – 3l/ha from the 4-leaf phase. No later than three weeks before winter dormancy.
Orchards and berry gardens: 1 treatment at a dose of 2 – 3 l/ha after fruit harvest.