Manganese is a microelement that affects the nitrogen balance in the plant. By activating numerous enzymes, it plays an important role in the photosynthesis process and prevents excessive accumulation of nitrates in the plant. It also stimulates the uptake of phosphorus, which contributes to the proper development of the root system. Plants well supplied with this ingredient are resistant to stress factors. Potatoes are among the most manganese-loving plants: they absorb from 700 to 1000 g of Mn per ha.
VitaFer ® Extra Mn is a fertilizer with a high concentration of manganese with the addition of sulfur, nitrogen and potassium. High-quality adjuvants improve the properties of the working fluid. It is recommended for crops with a high demand for manganese (sugar beets, potatoes, corn, field vegetables and fruit trees). It is especially recommended to use VitaFer ® Extra Mn on well-aerated soils, regularly limed, during drought – when the availability of manganese in such conditions is limited. The high content of manganese in the preparation affects the faster compensation of the deficit at the time of its appearance and increases the resistance of plants to stress conditions. Optimal supply of manganese means higher yields of high commercial quality and good storage parameters.
Composition: 6.56% N + 3.28% K2O + 22.96% SO3 + 27.88% Mn + adjuvants + EPIN
Doses and dates of use:
Sugar beets: 2 treatments at a dose of 0.5 to 1 l/ha from the 4-6 leaf stage to 100% inter-row closure, performed at 12-14 day intervals.
Maize: 1 treatment at a dose of 0.5 to 1 l/ha in the phase of 6-10 leaves.
Potatoes: 2 treatments at a dose of 0.5 to 1 l/ha from the sprout formation phase to reaching 40% of the final tuber weight, performed at 12-14 day intervals.
Fruit trees: 3-4 treatments at a dose of 0.5 l/ha. 1-2 treatments preventively or after symptoms of manganese deficiency appear. In apple and pear trees – 2 treatments a few weeks before harvest to improve storage quality, performed at 12-14 day intervals.
Blueberry: 2-3 treatments at a dose of 0.5 l/ha during the entire vegetation period: preventively or as an intervention at the time of visible deficiencies, performed at intervals of 12-14 days.