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January visits to Żuławy fields indicate several problems that will have to be dealt with in early spring, after the start of vegetation. Some cereals, primarily winter barley and wheat, are showing the first symptoms of fungal diseases. We should already plan a strategy for the first fungicide treatments to stop the further development of pathogens. It is worth finding a place for biostimulants in mixtures of plant protection products. Biostimulant preparations cover a very wide group of products. They have one thing in common: they improve basic biochemical processes, while at the same time mitigating the effects of abiotic stress. As a result, we can observe better effectiveness of the fungicides used, an increase in the final yield and its improvement in quality.

VitaExpert Booster is an innovative biostimulant with a mixture of amino acids, humic acids with the addition of systemic copper complexed with heptagluconic acid. This modern formulation will ensure rapid transport of nutrients and active substances inside the crop. Biostimulator increases plant resistance to fungal and bacterial diseases, improves plant growth, increases yield and improves the storage quality of crops.

Doses and application dates:

– winter cereals, 1 – 3 l/ha, up to 2 treatments from the spring start of vegetation to the beginning of earing, minimum temperature for the treatment 5°C.

– winter oilseed rape, 1 – 3 l/ha, up to 2 treatments from the spring start of vegetation to the beginning of flower bud development, minimum temperature for the treatment 5°C