For several years now, we have been observing disruptions in the course of the vegetation period in Poland. November and December of last year were characterized by quite high temperatures for this time of year. Winter crops did not have the opportunity to harden off and go into the winter dormancy period. We could observe “creeping vegetation”. This condition means that in spring we will be dealing with undernourished plantations. We will also observe increased pressure from fungal diseases and pests. The lack of snow cover and strong winds that we are currently observing will cause damage to plants. We should therefore prepare for the fact that winter crops will not start the spring vegetation season in good condition and instead of building a high yield, they will fight for survival. Maintaining the yield potential will depend on the strategy used to support the spring regeneration of plants. After the spring start of vegetation, foliar fertilization should be planned using balanced fertilizers with the addition of amino acids. Thanks to this, plants will effectively absorb the nutrients they need. Using foliar fertilizers with a complete set of microelements at this time will also be crucial. VitaExpert Regenerum is a product with a balanced content of basic nutrients enriched with a 3% addition of the highest quality plant L-amino acids. Macronutrients: nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium and the addition of amino acids will reduce the negative impact of stressful situations and improve the overall condition of plants. Foliar feeding is performed when plants are physiologically active.
Doses and application dates:
– winter cereals, 2-3 l/ha, up to 2 treatments from the spring start of vegetation to the beginning of earing, interval between treatments 10-14 days.
– winter oilseed rape, 2-3 l/ha, up to 2 treatments from the spring start of vegetation to the beginning of flower bud development
VitaFer Micro is a mineral fertilizer for emergency and preventive supply of key micronutrients with an optimal addition of nitrogen. For use in early foliar fertilization treatments to optimize regeneration after winter dormancy. In late-sown winter crops, the use of the preparation stimulates tillering. In addition, plants have increased resistance to abiotic stresses, mainly drought, excess water and low temperatures.
Doses and application dates:
– winter cereals, 0.5-1l/ha, up to 2 treatments from the spring start of vegetation to the beginning of earing, minimum temperature for the treatment 5°C.
– winter oilseed rape, 0.5 – 1 l/ha, up to 2 treatments from the spring start of vegetation to the beginning of flower bud development, minimum temperature for the treatment 5°C