The vegetation has accelerated significantly this year. In many orchards and plantations of blueberries, haskaps and strawberries, the plants have entered the flowering phase. Flowering accelerated by 20 days in the event of frost is a potential risk of losing the entire crop. One way to reduce losses associated with low temperatures is to use biostimulants based on algae extracts. We use foliar fertilizers with algae when plants are exposed to abiotic stress related to frosts and drought. They are also perfect when it is necessary to regenerate plantations and during periods of intensive growth.
If frost is expected, it is very important to apply algae foliar fertilizer 48 to 36 hours before low temperatures occur. This will prepare the plant for unfavorable conditions. The addition of a biostimulator with L-Amino acids will allow the plant to absorb nutrients quickly and effectively.
VITAFER Algi ® Mineral fertilizer for emergency and preventive supply of key micronutrients with optimal nitrogen addition. It activates the photosynthesis process and increases the assimilation surface of leaves. It has a beneficial effect on increasing resistance to abiotic stress. Improves flowering and fruit set.
Composition: 3.07% N + 2.83% K₂O + 3.69% B + 0.98% Mn + 0.56% Zn + Ascophyllum Nodosum marine algae extract + natural growth hormones + amino acids + vitamins + iodine + adjuvants +EPIN
VITAFER Green ®Biostimulator containing plant L-amino acids with optimal content of macro and micronutrients to eliminate the adverse effects of abiotic and biotic stress. L-amino acids are the precursor of growth substances. They are a carrier of nutrients contained in foliar fertilizers and often serve as a natural adjuvant.
Composition: 2.66% N + 0.22% B + 0.22% Cu + 1.43% Fe + 0.55% Mn + 0.022% Mo + 0.55% Zn + natural plant bioregulators + amino acids and vitamins.
Doses and dates of use:
Fruit trees and bushes: VitaFer Algi 2 – 3 l/ha, VitaFer Green 1- 2l/ha
Blueberries: VitaFer Algi 3l/ha, VitaFer Green 1-2l/ha
Treatments should be carried out during flowering until fruit set, as well as 2-3 days before the expected frost.